Η communications team εδώ στην OM Lifehope, ήρθε μια ζεστή μέρα κατά τη διάρκεια της Πασχαλινής μας έκθεσης και μας πήρε συνέντευξη, εστιάζοντας σε διάφορους τομείς (διακονία, ομαδική ζωή, στόχοι κτλ..)
Η φίλη μου η Kelly, έγραψε το παρακάτω άρθρο για μας το οποίο θα ανέβει και στο site της ΟΜ και στο Facebook τις προσεχείς βδομάδες..
“Lye is a problem area; it’s a sad area to live in…” Pavlos says, his teammates nodding in agreement. “As a team we had to do an assignment where we gathered information about Lye,” Rita adds, “the people, the history, the religions, and we have been able to use that information to figure out if there is anything we can do to help the people here.”
The Lye Community Encounter team has been working with Christ Church, and have had the opportunity to invest in a number of ministries. “We have ministries for all ages,” says Anne, “we have a group for toddlers and we have Messy Church once a month. We do Net Café so people can come and use the Internet to find a job. We do door to door, and on Fridays we have Open Doors, where people can come and chat, have coffee or tea, and attend a short service.”
When the team isn’t busy with ministry and evangelism they have prayer sessions, morning refocus and bible studies with the pastor. “One of the best things about being in the Lye team are the pastors at the Lye church” Rita says, “They are so welcoming and open to new ideas and suggestions, which is awesome. That’s what I love''.
The team are aware of a number of issues within the Lye community, specifically gambling, unemployment, alcohol, drugs and stealing, and have tried to find ways to invest their time and energy to Christ-like love and service, “We thought we could start a shop ministry, so we go out on Thursdays to visit the shop owners. We invite them to church, or to net café or open doors. We also want to prepare a small gift for them. We have a great opportunity to live in a Christian community in our house, and then together try to serve the outside community,” says Pavlos.
Team life is a big part of the Community Encounter experience, and for Isaac it has been the best part, “we come together and live with strangers, and at first it’s a pressure situation because we have to form good relationships really quickly. But we learn about people, and about their Cultures and this is good for understanding them.” Similarly, Rita see’s the worth in living with her team, “…you get to know everyone’s stories; you find out how everyone came here, their background, and you are really touched. They are just little examples of what God is doing, and it makes God really real for me.”
Although they do face frustration and weariness, they will continue to use their team to minister and evangelise to the people of Lye, “we are trying to show people that there is hope, that is what we are trying to achieve by being here” Pavlos.
Η φίλη μου η Kelly, έγραψε το παρακάτω άρθρο για μας το οποίο θα ανέβει και στο site της ΟΜ και στο Facebook τις προσεχείς βδομάδες..
Those Who Preach the Good News
Lye Community Encounter Team
By Kelly Norman
OM Lifehope’s Community Encounter programme is designed to train and equip Christians both spiritually and practically before sending them out onto the mission field. Participants receive initial training at the Lifehope base and then are placed on teams to serve local churches throughout England. This article is part of a series documenting the current Community Encounter teams and their ministries.
The Lye Community Encounter team has been working with Christ Church, and have had the opportunity to invest in a number of ministries. “We have ministries for all ages,” says Anne, “we have a group for toddlers and we have Messy Church once a month. We do Net Café so people can come and use the Internet to find a job. We do door to door, and on Fridays we have Open Doors, where people can come and chat, have coffee or tea, and attend a short service.”
When the team isn’t busy with ministry and evangelism they have prayer sessions, morning refocus and bible studies with the pastor. “One of the best things about being in the Lye team are the pastors at the Lye church” Rita says, “They are so welcoming and open to new ideas and suggestions, which is awesome. That’s what I love''.
The team are aware of a number of issues within the Lye community, specifically gambling, unemployment, alcohol, drugs and stealing, and have tried to find ways to invest their time and energy to Christ-like love and service, “We thought we could start a shop ministry, so we go out on Thursdays to visit the shop owners. We invite them to church, or to net café or open doors. We also want to prepare a small gift for them. We have a great opportunity to live in a Christian community in our house, and then together try to serve the outside community,” says Pavlos.
Team life is a big part of the Community Encounter experience, and for Isaac it has been the best part, “we come together and live with strangers, and at first it’s a pressure situation because we have to form good relationships really quickly. But we learn about people, and about their Cultures and this is good for understanding them.” Similarly, Rita see’s the worth in living with her team, “…you get to know everyone’s stories; you find out how everyone came here, their background, and you are really touched. They are just little examples of what God is doing, and it makes God really real for me.”
Although they do face frustration and weariness, they will continue to use their team to minister and evangelise to the people of Lye, “we are trying to show people that there is hope, that is what we are trying to achieve by being here” Pavlos.
But they who trust in the Lord will find their strength renewed; they will rise up on wings like eagles; they shall run and not grow weary; they shall walk and not faint.
Isaiah 40:31
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